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Which cards should you craft next? This section helps you prioritize your dust spendings. It's aimed at beginners and advanced palyers. [Up-to-date with Update 6.1.3 (Yogg Nerf)]
These cards are part of the Classic set, have a unique effect and are integral or strong parts of many decks. They are not meta- or deck-defining by themselves, but are such staples that they're must-haves. The Evergreen Tier is meant to be meta-independent.
Sylvanas is one of the strongest cards in the game - a staple in control and deathrattle/N'Zoth decks and a good C'Thun counter.
Ragnaros is a powerful threat with immediate board impact. He's so versatile, that he can act as an alternate win condition in any control or midrange deck.
She currently does not see as much play as she used to, but if you're on a budget and you're looking for a single card win condition, she's your gal.
These cards are integral or defining parts of multiple strong decks and have a strong influence on the current meta.
N'Zoth features prominently in various decks built around him. Beyond that, many niche control decks use him in conjunction with a few strong Deathrattle minions.
C'Thun Warrior and C'Thun Druid are powerhouse decks in the current meta. Beyond that C'Thun helps beginners create medium to strong decks.
Makes C'Thun decks viable. Very strong combo play with Brann on turn 10. If you're serious about playing a C'Thun deck, you bring the twins.
Cards in this tier are mostly class cards and are essential to specific strong ladder decks. The neutrals are used only in one or two decks each.
Control Warrior/Control Priest - Very strong control card. Consider her a win condition if drawn early enough when playing Control Warrior.
Malygos has come back into fashion. With the nerf of Yogg, Malygos Druid positions itself as a strong contender for the top Druid deck.
Freeze Mage - Alex is a must-craft for Freeze Mage, but she can also be used in other control lists such as Warrior or Reno Warlock.
Contender for strongest minion in the game. Fits in almost any Paladin deck. Core to the common and strong N'Zoth Paladin deck.
Iconic Warrior legendary that adds tremendous value to any Warrior deck. He doubles as a control tool and a finisher.
Very strong Paladin Minion. Crucial component of Control Paladin.
Miracle Rogue - VanCleef poses a strong threat if utilised well in Miracle Rogue. It's not the main win condition, however.
One of the strongest cards in terms of mana value. A must-craft for Tempo Warrior for the tempos swing it brings.
Fandral is so strong, he is an auto-include in all Druid decks. He is for Druid decks what Veklor is for C'Thun decks.
Cards in this tier are not worse than cards in Tier 2, most of them are actually more versatile. They're just not as crucial to specific decks, as in they're not win conditions and the decks can be played successfully without them.
Strong finisher in various aggro and control decks. Would be Evergreen Tier if not replaceable by Reckless Rocketeer if you're on a budget. It's a must craft, if you plan to maximize your aggro deck.
Miracle Rogue/Freeze Mage - Thalnos is a powerhouse in both lists - some might say indispensable to both.
Cairne provides great value and is very sticky. He's an auto-include in N'Zoth decks and just a very strong card in general.
Not as meta defining as it once was, Yogg is still a solid addition in spell heavy decks.
In a weapon-heavy meta Mr Jones is one of the strongest tech cards in the game. The combination of tempo gain and card draw can swing a game.
Strong against zoo decks. Often included in control decks when the meta is aggro-heavy.
Dragon/N'Zoth decks - Chillmaw works well as an aggro stopper in dragon decks, but can be used purposefullly without his synergy in N'Zoth decks.
Cards in this tier represent a very strong enhancement to the deck in question, but are not must-crafts. Mostly class cards or cards that are only used in very specific decks.
Token Druid - Cenarius currently only sees play in Token Druid. It's a very strong addition to the deck but not an absolute requirement, because it is only one of 5 buff cards the deck uses. You can play the deck without him, but we strongly recommend adding Cenarius if you are playing to reach Legend.
Sees some play in all variants of Rogue, but is not a universal auto-include. Particularly strong in N'Zoth Rogue.
Reno Warlock - It's a strong addition to the list because it acts as both an alternate source of healing and an alternate win condition. But not a must-craft if you want to try the deck.
Used in some variants of Midrange Shaman as an alternative win condition. His drawback is the low stat line for the high mana cost.
Strong addition in Tempo Warrior, but there have been successful variants without him.
Crucial component in the niche control Shaman. Would be rated higher if the deck were more popular.
It's a neutral, but currently only used in Zoolock, where it is a strong addition. Many decks play Sea Giant or Doomguard instead. This card has a significant spot in the current meta, but it's rated fairly low, because it can be replaced without hurting the deck and it is part of the TGT set which is the next to rotate out of Standard.
Used in some variants of Token Druid, but many variants don't play her.
Played in some Control Paladin lists.
Can be played in Tempo Mage. Unfortunately the current meta is too fast for most Inspire minions, and Cabalist's Tome is a lot faster.
Used to be the primary win condition in Tempo Mage, but it's too slow for the current meta. Still used in Reno Mage.
Not all these cards are pure gimmick cards. Some of them are very strong in the Arena or work incredibly well in special niche decks like mill decks or very specific decks like Astral Druid.
Strong synergy with his older self, and Varian. It sees some play in the current meta, but is not a staple in any decks. It used to be a bit of a gimmick card in the past, but he's infinitely cool.
Primary win condition in Spell OTK Priest, but the deck hardly sees any play in the current meta.
Krush can be added to Midrange Hunter, but is not a must-craft.
Provides incredible value if you can utilise him properly, sub-par if you can't. May see play if ever a slower, more taunt-heavy meta develops.
No need to craft him, but if you do find him, he can be useful in a beginner's deck. Can theoretically be used in a taunt deck.
Can theoretically be used in Pirate Warrior, but usually does not make the cut.
Theoretically viable in token decks, but does not currently see play because it's hard to combo him due to the high cost.
Has seen play in mill decks in the past. May see a comeback if mill decks rise in popularity.
Strong bomb, but his effect is too slow. Essentially just a big minion without a Battlecry.
Some players used him to exploit latency issues to win games. Beyond that he does not currently see play.
The strong drawback paired with the lowish health of 7 results in a mediocre card in terms of value.
Cho is a fun card that can be used in some Tavern Brawls or wacky decks.
Much stronger before he was nerfed. Now a pretty bad card.
His effect is theoretically usable as a Hex/Polymorpfh substitute, but due to the randomness of his effect too situational to be of significant use. His effect used to be powerful before the nerf, when you could target which minion to transform.
Try playing him in a matchup against Tempo Mage, you'll have the time of your life.
Strong in dragon decks, but too slow for the current aggressive meta. Will rise in strength if the meta slows down and dragon decks play a more prominent role.
Incredibly strong in Astral Druid - but that deck itself is a gimmick deck.
Technically viable, but does not see much play.
Strongest taunt in the game. Unfortunately it is too slow for the current meta, as it is too expensive to be an efficient aggro stopper.
Hasn't been made use of yet.
Mukla's angrier self just comes with too much tempo loss.
Strong card in mill decks.
No deck builder has been able to make proper use of him yet. Will you be the first?
Interesting card, but currently does not see play on the ladder.
Hogger's evil self.
Veeery RNG-heavy.
Heralded as the worst legendary in the Old Gods expansion.
Sees play in some Hunter decks to combat zoo.
Helps all Shaman decks, but is not a must-craft.
Strong card, but not currently being in used.
Can be used in Reno Mage.
Theoretically a strong card, but too expensive for the fast paced rogue class.
Too slow for the current meta.
Can be useful for Paladin or Priest.
Can be useful for Paladin or Priest.
Currently at gimmick status.
Theoretically viable in Reno Lock, but usually loses his spot to better cards.
A good card in Arena, but has not seen play in constructed.
Can break the day for aggro decks, but does not see play currently.
Too squishy for a fixed spot in the current meta.
Try him out in a pirate deck if you have him. No need to craft.
This list shows the most important epics and gives a brief overview of their relevance. Consider the remaining ones to be mainly gimmicks.
Currently a strong contender for most important epic in Hearthstone as it is a vital part of nearly every control deck.
Although BGH is not as strong as it was before the nerf, it is still a versatile removal card and is used in some control lists.
An integral part of many combo finishers, especially involving Leeroy or Raging Worgen.
A good additional win condition for zoo decks.
A good addition to any dragon deck. Can be replaced by Sen'Jin Shieldmasta
An integral part of any murloc deck.
Very strong in Renolock or Handlock.
A solid addition to any C'Thun deck if you are playing a control variant. Can easily be replaced by Sen'jin Shieldmasta, which is the better choice in more aggressive decks due to the lower mana cost.
Very strong Druid card, especially in Ramp and C'Thun Druid.
An integral part of Token Druid.
Even with the increased cost to 9 mana still a very strong card.
An integral part of Yogg Hunter.
One of the essential cards that make Freeze Mage.
Another integral element of Freeze Mage, although some lists do without.
Crucial element of the Tempo, Reno and Yogg Mage variants.
Very strong addition to Tempo, Reno and Yogg Mage variants.
An integral part of Control Paladin.
Key component of Secrets Paladin. Although the deck is not nearly as strong as it used to be, the card is still strong.
Very strong Priest minion, which is used in virtually all Priest decks.
A strong alternative to Auchenai Soulpriest that enables strong damage combos in conjunction with Velen.
A very powerful Priest card, that doubles as a curve helper vs. aggro decks and as an additional win conditions vs. control decks.
The tempo this card brings is essential to virtually every Rogue deck.
A vital part of any Rogue C'Thun deck.
Incredibly fun card that can be very powerful if comboed with Brann, Earthen Ring Farseer and others.
Doomhammer's iconic weapon provides great board control for all variants of Shaman and functions as a strong win condition in combination with Rockbiter Weapon.
This big taunt has seen a recent revival in Control Shaman. Very powerful in combination with Ancestral Spirit.
A powerful board clear that provides great healing in combination with Hallazeal.
Powerful board clear that is an essential card in Reno Warlock decks.
One of the staple cards of Control Warrior.
Essential board clear for Control Warriors. They used to run one, now they usually run two due to many N'Zoths chilling on the ladder.
A great control weapon. Most Control Warrior decks include one Gorehowl.
This guide considers only craftable (non-adventure) cards currently part of the Standard format. We strongly recommend buying all adventures as the value you get is very good (espcecially if you buy with real money).
Classic cards are usually rated highest. The latest expansion's cards are usually rated higher than the previous expansion's cards, as those cards will stay in Standard longer and thus provide more value for your crafting cost.